Release 5.0 (2025/02/26) [Download]
Release 4.2 (2025/02/26) [Download]
- How to setup MateriApps LIVE! [English] [Japanese]
- Release 5.0: Updated base Debian distribution to Debian 12 (Bookworm)
- Release 4.2: Final version based on Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Started support for Debian 13 (Trixie) and Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble)
- Stopped support for Debian 10 (Buster) and Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)
- Docker version for Windows WSL2
- VirtualBox version for Apple Silicon
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- Updated MateriApps packages
- akaikkr (20230519)
- alamode (1.4.2)
- alpscore (2.3.1)
- cif2cell (2.1.0)
- conquest (1.2)
- dcore (3.4.0)
- espresso (7.3)
- fermisurfer (2.4)
- ovito (3.10.2)
- tenes (2.0.0)
- triqs (3.2.0), triqs-cthyb (3.2.1), triqs-dfttools (3.2.0), triqs-hubbardi (3.2.0)
- [How to setup MateriApps LIVE!] [MateriApps LIVE!の設定]
- Updated base Debian distribution to Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Released Docker edition in addition to VirtualBox edition
- Started support for Debian 11 (Bullseye) and Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy)
- Started MateriApps Debian package support for 64-bit Arm (aarch64) architecture
- Stopped support for Debian 9 (Stretch)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- akaikkr (20220114)
- alamode (1.3.0)
- alps (20220304-r7871)
- dcore (3.2.0) [release 4.0 only]
- dsqss (3.0.4)
- espresso (quantum espresso) (7.1) [release 4.0 only]
- fermisurfer (2.1.0)
- gamess-setup
- hphi (3.5.1)
- mvmc (1.2.0)
- openmx (3.9.9)
- physbo (1.0.1)
- salmon (2.1.0) [release 4.0 only]
- triqs, triqs-cthyb, triqs-dfttools, triqs-hubbardi (3.1.0) [release 4.0 only]
- Removed MateriApps packages
- Updated tools/libraries
- Set default OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1
- Following packages are not supported in aarch64
- Stopped support for Debian 8 (Jessie) and Ubuntu 16 (Xenial)
- Stopped support for 32bit (i386) architecture
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- cif2cell (1.2.10)
- physbo (1.0.0)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- akaikkr (20210506)
- alps (20201106)
- espresso (quantum espresso) (6.7)
- lammps (20210514)
- tenes (1.1.2)
- vesta (3.5.7)
- Updated tools/libraries
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- Updated MateriApps packages
- akaikkr (20200910)
- conquest (1.0.6)
- espresso (quantum espresso) (6.6)
- gamess-setup (202009)
- lammps (20201009)
- ovito (3.2.1)
- vesta (3.5.5)
- Disable screensaver by default
- Final version 2.x based on Debian 9 (Stretch)
Debian packages for MateriApps Applications are still provided
also for Debian 8 (Jessie) and 9 (Stretch)
- Final distribution of 32bit version of MateriApps LIVE!
Debian packages for MateriApps Applications are still provided
also for 32bit architecture
- Started support for Ubuntu 20 (Focal)
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- cif2cell (1.2.10)
- wannier90 (3.1.0)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- conquest (1.0.5)
- c-tools (6.2.0-3)
- hphi (3.4.0)
- lammps (20200721) (for ma3)
- spglib (1.15.1)
- vesta (3.5.2) (for amd64)
- Newly included tools/libraries
- python-dev, python3-dev
- python-pycifrw (3.3)
- Updated base Debian distribution to Debian 10 (Buster)
- Increased default memory size to 2GB
- Debian packages for MateriApps Applications are still provided also for Debian 8 (Jessie) and 9 (Stretch)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- Updated tools/libraries
- Updated VirtualBox version to 6.1
- Added missing packages: pip2, pip3, evince
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- Updated MateriApps packages
- Newly included tools/libraries
- python-sympy, python3-sympy, xsel
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- Updated MateriApps packages
- espresso (quantum espresso) (6.5)
- fermisurfer (2.0.0)
- hphi (3.3.1)
- mvmc (1.1.1)
- lammps (20200204)
- openmx (3.9.2)
- respack (20200113)
- Newly included tools/libraries
- Removed MateriApps packages
- Added menu items for setting keyboard layout
- Stopped support for Debian 7 (Wheezy)
- Started support for Debian 10 (Buster), Ubuntu 16 (Xenial), Ubuntu 18 (Bionic)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- alps (20190807)
- dcore (2.0.2)
- hphi (3.3.0)
- mvmc (1.1.0)
- salmon (1.2.1)
- triqs (1.4.x)
- Newly included tools/libraries
- The GPG key for the MateriApps LVIE! repository has been updated
- materiapps-keyring (20190512)
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- Updated MateriApps packages
- gromacs (2018.3) for i386
- hphi (3.2.0)
- Newly included tools/libraries
- Updated tools/libraries
- eigen3 (3.7.7)
- vesta (3.4.6) for amd64
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- Updated MateriApps packages
- espresso (6.3.0)
- fermisurfer (1.10.1)
- lammps (20190201)
- respack (20190226)
- xtapp (20180402)
- Newly included tools
- openbabel (3.3.2)
- zip & unzip
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- ddmrg (2.0.0)
- gromacs (2018.3 from sid)
- salmon (1.2.0)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- akaikkr (20180822)
- gammess-setup (for version Sep 2018)
- hphi (3.1.2)
- mvmc (1.0.3)
- Included openblas-dev package
- Base Debian distribution has been updated to Debian 9 (Stretch)
- Made 64bit version (amd64) default
- Debian packages for MateriApps Applications are still provided also for Debian 7 (Wheezy) and 8 (Jessie)
- MateriApps LIVE! Users Forum has been opened
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- dcore (1.0.0)
- triqs, triqs-cthyb, triqs-dfttools, triqs-hubbardi (1.4.2)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- akaikkr (20180520)
- alps (20180220~r7849)
- dsqss (1.1.17+pv1.1.3)
- gammess-setup (for version Feb 14, 2018)
- openmx (3.8.5)
- vesta (3.4.4)
- vmd-setup (for version 1.9.3)
- xtapp, xtapp-util, xtapp-ps-so (180420)
- Removed MateriApps packages
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- fermisurfer (1.10.0-1)
- respack (20171018-1)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- alps (20170905~r7843-1)
- espresso (6.2.1-1)
- hphi (3.0.0-1)
- lammps (0~20170811.malive-1)
- mvmc (1.0.2-1)
- smash (2.2.0-1)
- xtapp (170619-3), xtapp-util (160715-2)
- Update pip to recent version
- Provide debian package also for Debian 8 (Jessie) and Debian 9 (Stretch)
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- mvmc (1.0.1-2): Low-energy solver for quantum lattice models
- Updated MateriApps packages
- akaikkr (20170222-1)
- alps (20170127~r7841-1)
- bsa (20151218-2)
- feram (0.26.04-1)
- gamess-setup (1.4)
- hphi (2.0.2-1)
- materiapps-keyring (20170413-1)
- smash (2.1.0-1)
- MateriApps Debian Package Repository has been moved from sourcesorge to
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- bsa (20151218-1): Kernel Method for Finite-Size Scaling Analysis of Critical Phenomena
- hphi (1.1.1-1): Numerical solver package for quantum lattice models
- Newly included Python packages
- python-pip
- python-virtualenv
- Updated MateriApps packages
- alps (20160816-r7711-1)
- c-tools (0.6.2-1)
- ermod (0.3.4-1)
- smash (2.0.0-1)
- tapioca (1.7.3-1)
- xtapp (160715-1)
- xtapp-util (160715-1)
- ATLAS is replaced by OpenBLAS
- Development environment of MateriApps LIVE! has been migrated into Vagrant
- 64-bit architecture name has been renamed from x86_64 to amd64 according to the Debian convention
- Newly included application packages
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- paraview-wrapper (1.0-1)
- xcrysden-wrapper (1.0-1)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- c-tools (0.5.2-2)
- tapioca (1.6.11-1)
- xtapp (150401-2)
- xtapp-util (150401-4)
Release 1.9 (2015/11/27) [Download]
- Newly included MateriApps packages
- Updated MateriApps packages
- c-tools (0.5.2-1)
- ermod (0.3.3-1)
- smash (1.1.0-1)
- tapioca (1.6.10-1)
- vmd-setup (1.3)
- Wrapper for paraview now set LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 to prevent warning messages
- Changed MateriApps Debian repository to sourceforge
Release 1.8 (2015/08/31) [Download]
- Newly included visualization tools
- vmd-setup: VMD Setup Tool (for 1.9.2)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- alps (20150825-r7620)
- feram (0.24.02)
- gamess-setup (for December 5, 2014 R1)
- Updated Visualization tools
- Allowed to open popup window in Iceweasel by default
- Added MateriApps LIVE! login background in OVA
- Enable accelerate3d and usb support in VirtualBox
- Added link menu items to PDB
Release 1.7 (2015/07/27) [Download]
- Newly included MateriApps tools
- Newly included visualization tools
- avogadro (1.0.3)
- rasmol (
- vesta (3.3.0)
- Updated MateriApps packages
- ermod (0.3.1): New upstream release
- openmx (3.7.8): Added utilities for postprocessing: bandgnu13 and DosMain
- tapioca (1.6.2): New upstream release
- xtapp-util (150401): Added missing utilities:,, rho2xsf, stm2cci, exrho2dx, wfneig, etc
- Added link menu items to databases of materials science
Release 1.6 (2015/04/02) [Download]
- Following binary images are provided
- ISO boot image (MateriAppsLive-1.6-*.hybrid.iso) for 64bit (amd64) and 32bit (i386) architectures
- VirtualBox Disk Images (OVA) (MateriAppsLive-1.6-*.ova) for 64bit (amd64) and 32bit (i386) architectures
- VirtualBox Disk Images (OVA) with Japanese texlive packages (MateriAppsLive-ltx-1.6-*.ova) for 64bit (amd64) and 32bit (i386) architectures
- For more information, see "Using MateriApps LIVE! on VirtualBox"
- Updated MateriApps packages
- alps: New upstream snapshot (20150402-r7566)
- xtapp, xtapp-util: New upstream release (150401)
- xtapp-ps, xtapp-ps-extra: CAPZ and norm-conserving + PBE pseudo potentials have been moved to xtapp-ps-extra package and made optional.
- Removed LibreOffice, Java, XSane to reduce the image size
Release 1.5 (2015/03/12, 2015/03/28) [Download]
- 64bit (amd64) as well as 32bit (i386) architecture
- VirtualBox Disk Images (OVA) are provided in addition to ISO boot images
- Updated MateriApps applications
- feram (0.22.06-1)
- Tapioca (1.5.0-1)
- Newly included visualization tools
- Newly included Debian packages
- Replaced GPG public key by the one from materiapps-keyring package
- Included English version of "Getting Started"
Release 1.4 (2014/09/18) [Download]
- Newly included MateriApps applications
- Updated MateriApps applications
- AkaiKKR (20140905-1)
- Supported OpenMP parallelization
- ERmod (ermod 0.2.4-3, ermod-example-gromacs 20120406-1)
- Fixed permission of ERmod plugins
- Added Gromacs sample trajectory for ERmod example
- Fixed compile option for compatibility
- OpenMX (openmx 3.7.8-1, openmx-data 3.7.8-1, openmx-example 3.7.8-1)
- xTAPP (xtapp 140916-2, xtapp-util 140916-1, xtapp-ps 140401-1)
- New upstream 140916
- Added CAPZ and PBE-nc pseudo potential
- Newly included visualization tools
- Fixed paraview startup problem in Japanese environment
- Updated "Getting Started" document
Release 1.3 (2014/07/19) [Download]
- Added off-line tutorial "Getting Started" on Desktop
- Removed "Install" menu from default boot menu
- Added boot option with LANG=en KBD=jp
- Updated MateriApps applications
- AkaiKKR (renamed from MachKKR) (20130914-1)
- ALPS (20140623-r7482-1)
- feram (0.22.04-1)
- xTAPP (patch for moldyn) (140129-5)
- Added source repository for MateriApps LIVE!
Release 1.2 (2014/03/14) [Download]
- New download site for MateriApps Debian Packages
- Newly included MateriApps applications
- MachKKR (previously known as AkaiKKR or Machikaneyama2002) (20130914)
- Updated MateriApps applications
- ALPS (20140309-r7370)
- feram (0.22.1)
- xTAPP (140129)
- Updated MateriApps visualization tools
- Removed packages
- Machikaneyama Setup Tools (replaced by MachKKR package)
Release 1.1 (2013/09/25) [Download]
- New MateriApps LIVE! logo
- Newly included MateriApps applications
- xTAPP (130919)
- GAMESS Setup Tool (for May 1, 2013 R1)
- Newly included visualization tools
- TAPIOCA (1.3.3)
- OpenDX (4.4.4)
- Updated MateriApps applications
- feram (0.21.04)
- Machikaneyama Setup Tool (for cpa2002v009c Sep. 14, 2013)
Release 1.0 (2013/07/26) [Download]
- First released version of MateriApps LIVE!
- Based on Debian GNU/Linux (wheezy) amd64
- Newly included MateriApps applications
- ABINIT (5.3.4)
- ALPS (20130626-r6962)
- CP2K (2.2.426)
- feram (0.21.02)
- ERmod (0.2.4)
- Gromacs (4.5.5)
- Machikaneyama Setup Tool (for cpa2002v009c July 23, 2013)
- OpenMX (3.5)
- Quantum Espresso (5.0)